AMCP 706-253 (DARCOM-P-706-253), ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK: BREECH MECHANISM DESIGN (FEB-1979)., The Engineering Design Handbook Series of the US Army Materiel Development and Readiness
Command is a coordinated series of handbooks containing basic information and fundamental data
useful in the design and development of Army materiel and systems. The handbooks are authoritative
reference books of practical information and quantitative facts helpful in the design and development
\"of Army materiel so that it will meet the tactical and the technical needs of the Armed Forces. This handbook has been prepared as an aid to engineers designing breech mechanisms. Fundamentat
design information not readily attainble elsewhere is presented along with requirements and
problem areas that are unique to breech mechanisms,
The material presented in this handbook is composed of data and design information gathered from
many sources; however, treatment is limited to one of condensation and summary because of the subject
scope. References appear at the end of each chapter for guidance in acquiring additional information.
A glossary has been provided at the end of the handbook.